Dudd, do you have to give me more amnunition, dude?
All of America saw the puzzle before you did. And Rafe would have seen it, too, if he was looking at it from your angle. He had all the pieces in place, something you couldn't have done in a million years..oh, but wait, first you have to actually get the bag OPEN, Judd.
The ball rolling challenge was great. All that lovely male 'tosterone flying in the air. Jamie and Bobby Jon got into a shouting match. LOL! As Bobby J puts it "we were like 2 bulls in heat". They're both dumb as dirt, but man, cleaned up, these 2 with their lovely southern accents and gorgeous looks could probably charm the panties off most of female America. I liked the fact that Jamie didn't seem overly concerned about the whole thing. "We're southern, we're crazy." Bobby J took it a bit more seriously. He'll be in trouble down the road if he doesn't contain his temper. It didn't hurt him with his tribe, though. Gary called Bobby J "the heart of the tribe" or maybe he was the "spirit of the tribe". Not sure. Might have to look at my dvr again.
Stephenie continues to disappoint more as the season progresses. She and Cindy (both of which have more muscles than Rafe and Brian x 4) couldn't overpower Olive Oil and a wounded Amy. It was pathetic. Just shut up, Stephenie (and please stop with the "Oh MY God!'s) You'd think the chick has never seen Survivor before, let alone already had her shot as a player. Every twist and turn manages to shock Stephenie into prayer. When the tribe needed you, Steph, you couldn't deliver. It was Dudd and Jamie that saved the day. And doesn't Dudd know it.
Amy is the hero of the hour. Her tribe didn't win, but she was one bad ass chick that never quit. I love that kind of positive spirit! Stephenie used to have it, but lost it somewhere between Palau and Guatamala. At tribal council when Jeff asked Amy about her ankle, you could see the "oh no" in her eyes. She did a great job of playing it down.
I'm sorry to see Brian go. He's a smart kid. But someone had to be kicked off. Brian lost the ball challenge for them and Amy stepped up to the plate. And in the end, Brian and his fem/boy genes was probably going to prove too diabolical. Smart move on Yaxha's part.
As for Margaret, that was a long time in coming. Dudd's hostility at tribal council was a hoot, though. I don't think Jeff knew what to make of it.
It looks like the tribes are going to merge next week. This is excellent news for Cindy and Rafe who look ready to bolt. Gary, Bobby J, Brandon and Danni are now in control of the game. If they can get Cindy and Rafe over to their side, it will be a piece of cake. Dudd and Jamie are walking targets. They are too physically strong to leave them around, and Steph will be gone by default by aligning herself with them. Those 3 are history.
The way I see it now, this game is either Gary's or Brandon's to lose if they screw up.