I have a new laptop! It's silver and shiny and best of all, it works! I've decided to name her Jane. Yes, I know it's rather cheeky of me. But I might as well channel the best, right?
After almost an entire month of no computer, I'm thrilled to be writing again. But now I'm trying to make up for all the time I've missed, and the rest of the world is trying to do Christmas...
Which brings me to the second part of my post. The Holiday Blues.
Did you know that this is the most stressful time of the year for women?
I heard that little statistic twice last week. Once, on the radio, while I was taking the kids to school, and then later that day while I was hanging more Christmas decorations in the house and watching Regis and Kelly.
I admit, I'm no Rachel Ray, Martha Stewart or Jennifer Crusie. But I'd like to be. Of course, all these self-expectations tend to make one rather critical of oneself and that can only lead to one thing. The blues. Lucikly, there's nothing better to cure the blues with than a good book or movie.
Here's a story written by the talented Ellen Peters that's sure to cure any holiday funk. Best of all, it's a short, quick read. Perfect for the Holiday season. I have to admit, though, I did shed a tear. But's its the good kind of tears (the kind you get with a Happily-Ever-After!)

Ava Carrolton has decided to make her own fate this holiday season. Tired of being alone and hoping to find love, she finally agrees to date the dashing and persistent owner of the department store where she works. Who wouldn’t enjoy spending time with a man who looks like a GQ model? But, she has one misgiving. She doesn’t feel The Spark with Mr. Debonair, so how is she to know if he’s The One?When Ava literally bumps into Noah Shepard, every girl’s definition of The Boy Next Door, they form an unlikely friendship. As they bond, Noah seems to transform through Ava’s eyes. His thick frame glasses and shy stutters fade away, while a knight in shining armor emerges. Will Ava choose excitement and security with the handsome store owner, or a lifetime of making snow angels with a man who’s anything but ordinary?
Snow Angels is available at The Wild Rose Press. I promise, it won't disappoint!