Call me cynical but if there's a conspiracy theory, I'm in.
It doesn't matter what the theory is about, or whom, or whatever, but like the old saying goes, If there's smoke, there's fire. Unless of course, the conspiracy theory involves me. Then it's wrong.
It's been my painful duty to have to burst the bubble of those I work with and who also watch The Bachelor along with me (but someone has to do it). It's been fun these past years playing Tuesday morning love quarterback and speculating on who's getting a rose, etc. But what's going to happen tonight in the BIGGEST season finale ever is just plain wrong. And, I hope, the demise of the show. Because really, don't most of us dupes tune in to see a romance? And from what I've been reading, there really WAS a romance this season, but the producers decided to hide it from us and instead give us DRAMA. They're finally going to produce on their continual silly promise to give us the most dramatic rose ceremoney evah.
I mean, I know it's reality TV, which means it's not. But regardless of what happens I've always believed that the final person is who the Bachelor/Bachelorette thought was the best of the 25 and whether they ended up engaged or even dating for just a week, or not picking anyone at all (as in Brad's season) that part of the show was at least semi-honest.
Now, according to Reality Steve this season has been one big scam from the beginning. And I really liked Jason, with his pitiful soulful eyes and his "It's all about his son" spiel. And while I have nothing against Molly, if Melissa is really being duped, like I think she is, then I truly feel sorry for her. On the other hand, maybe Melissa has been a part of it all from the beginning. Who knows?
I just know that unfortunately, I'll have to rubberneck tonight's finale episode. I just won't be able to look away.
Alakazam! Presto Chango! Abracadabra!
16 hours ago
I blogged about this yesterday. I saw Jason on an interview last week and the only "rumor" he addressed was that people who thought this was staged was wrong - that this was his "life". But, just so you know, I'll be rubbernecking with you because I can't look away either.
I haven't been watching since the first or second show, but this sounds interesting. What's the scam?
Oh! So he's been with D all along??? I think I might hate him a little if that's true. Not to mention the producers.
The scam is that he picked Molly early on, but the producers said that they wanted a shake up this season, so they made him pick Melissa, only to break up with her on National tv and then say he "changed" his mind and now wants Molly. I have to say, I'm afraid I believe it. They'll try to spin it that he just got confused, etc... but the real truth is they were planning to do this all along. Supposedly, D does come back tonight and tell him she wants him back, but of course, he "gently" lets her down.
I haven't watched this season at all, but by golly I'm going to watch tonight. This sounds VERY juicy. I'll be extremely disappointed if nothing bad happens.
I came close to ending my viewing last night with the proposal...but I didn't. I can't believe he did that on national television. I agree with Melissa - he's a bastard.
I can't help but think that the whole thing was rigged. Molly's reactions were so weird. Instead of looking at Jason, she kept looking to Chris (the host) with this wtf? face. It's like she knew Jason wanted her back, but was shocked that they were doing it on tv. It's the end of the road me and The Bachelor.
Maria, I didn't know about all of this, but I never really trusted Jason and felt all his tears were fake. See my blog post today. I started to feel it was all fake from the moment the tears on the balcony started. I think you are so right about this. I will have to reference back to your blog. Thanks!
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