Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A day with Leigh Duncan

This is a picture of the fabulous Leigh Duncan and myself at our book signing at Books-A-Million this past Saturday. Leigh's family was so supportive! She sold out of books, and I didn't do so bad either.

For those of you who might have seen some strange thing (ahem) on my website this past weekend, I'm sure you are probably aware that it certainly wasn't me calling myself names on my own website. I was hacked. Everywhere. All my email accounts, my website, my Facebook, everything. It was my own fault. I was extremely lax with my passwords and internet security. It's taken me days (and endless nights) to fix the problem, but fixed it is and hopefully won't happen again. Thank you to all my friends who called, texted me, etc... to tell me what was happening. At the time I was in Melbourne with my parents and had no internet access, which made the whole thing more frustrating. But enough of that.

I came home late Friday night and woke up early Saturday morning to have breakfast with Leigh and her sister at the Broken Egg. Yum. After that we headed to the Florida Panhandle Romance Writers meeting where Leigh did a great workshop on Deep Dish Critique. A few months ago I joined the STAR (Space Coast Authors of Romance) chapter and was so impressed with them. I asked Leigh to come and explain their method for group critique and she graciously accepted. I really think it's going to do great things for our little capital chapter and am really excited to get going on that.

Thanks, Leigh!


Anonymous said...

You made my Saturday sooo special! Starting with the yummiest breakfast ever at the Broken Egg and, of course, your wonderful company.
I'm very grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to speak with the Florida Panhandle RWA chapter. They're a great bunch--eager writers with lots of questions that kept me on my toes. I hope my little chat on Deep Dish Critiques gives them what they want to grow their chapter!
And the book signing at Books A Million was a blast! Largely because we were sitting together!
Hopefully, we can do it again soon.

Maria Geraci said...


Marilyn Brant said...

Glad things went so well for you and Leigh! And, again, sorry to have heard about the hacking problems. At least I hope you're comforted in knowing you were far from alone...sigh. Wishing you a very relaxing and uneventful rest of the month!


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