Just to dispel any crazy notions out there, I'm still alive. With a January 25th deadline for my next book, I've been hibernating in my writing cave aka closet every spare second I can get. The new book is coming along well (hopefully that's not a delusion), although I always despair that it's never good enough and that my editor will hate it. I'll let you know next month how that goes;)
So last month I ran a review contest. Congratulations to Terri D of Lexington Park, Maryland! She won a $50 gift card to Borders, a book bag from Books-A-Million (cuz I like to share the love) and all the books you see pictured above (some of my very favorite reads!)
Thank you to all of you who entered and to all of you who have taken the time to write a review of my books, especially during the busy holiday season. It really means a lot!
Good luck with your deadline and Happy New Year!
Thanks, Kwana:) Happy New Year to you too!
I just discovered my Dad's honey is a Bunco player, they have a group that meets a few times a month. She got this great wine glass for Christmas from her girls(pics are trapped on my cell phone). I know what I am getting her for her birthday.
Ellz Readz
Is it a a Bunco wine glass? I have one those. Must post a pic of it:)
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