Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Aloha means free books!

Today, I'm over at the SOS Aloha blog that's run by the very lovely and energetic Kim Adams.

I first "met" Kim shortly after my first book, Bunco Babes Tell All, came out. The Chicago Tribune had done a very nice review of the book and the review had been picked up by the Baltimore Sun. Kim, who is a military wife and huge supporter of all things Bunco, the Military, and romance, emailed me after her husband showed her the article. The next month I met her in person at the RWA Literacy signing in Washington DC where she presented me with this huge set of dice! You can see the dice in the picture above that was taken at a subsequent book signing. I wish I'd thought to get my picture taken with Kim, but I'm usually a google eyed dope at these signings and these things don't occur to me till later.

Please stop by the terrific SOS Aloha blog, which supports romance and celebrates the "silent" soldier--that's the spouse who supports the soldier who helps keep our country free. Leave a comment and one lucky person will win a copy of all three of my books! Comments will be open till Saturday (aloha time!)

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